What to do when you have a possum in your roof?
The most common possum we have in Victoria is the Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus Vulpecula). It is about the size of a cat. It has large, pointed ears, grey fur and a bushy black tail. Brushtail...
Wasps and our journey on how we manage them differently at Gippsland Pest Management
In 2019, the European wasp population in the Gippsland region was one of the worst seasons the area had experienced. This was mostly due to winter seasons that were drier than usual and a very hot...
Flea Prevention
When it comes to fleas, pets are the main culprit for bringing them into your home. Anyone can agree that fleas are something you do not want to invade your household. Many people, do not know much...
Proofing from spiders this summer
Here are some tips on proofing your home from spiders this summer. The first thing you can do to spider proof your house is get a spider treatment!
2022 GippsPest Halloween Event
Happy Halloween! Our team had such a great time getting displays set up and being creative in the month leading up to our 2022 Family Halloween Event.
About Termites
There are many different species of termites. The most common species in Victoria is Coptotermes. This species is responsible for more than 80% of the termite damage caused to buildings....
How to proof for birds?
Birds nesting in your roof is becoming more and more common, especially in domestic houses. Most people will not even realise they have birds nesting in their roof until they have babies and then...
Things you need to know about Snakes
Snakes have an important role in the natural environment being a predator whilst also being prey for other animals. They are a fascinating group of animals that have evolved over 360 million years...
Information on birds
Birds are one of the most commonly seen animals and there are many different species. There are coastal birds, such as seagulls and albatrosses, to inland birds, such as ducks and Indian Myna’s....
How to bait for rodents?
There are a few different signs that Rodents are in your house. This can be that you might be hearing scratching noises, grinding and squeaking, this is key evidence to indicate that there are...
Common Wombats
We have had a few calls come in lately regarding clients having a wombat either sighted on their property or a wombat has started to build a burrow, so we just wanted to provide a few details and...
Smarter Safer Team
Gippsland Pest Management Is always looking for new ways to improve our working environment and the safety of our team. With this in mind we have made the choice to implement Apple Smart watches as...
Welcome to Our New Factory!!!!!!!
Wow, what a year it has been! This year we made a HUGE decision and decided to rent a Factory. This decision stemmed from Tara completely losing it. Because the stock had taken over the whole shed...
European Wasps, Baiting is now a solution?
The European Wasp, a well known pest is baiting now a solution? European Wasps were first introduced to Tasmania in 1959 and was discovered on mainland Australia in 1977. European wasps are an...
Termites! A Sellers Nightmare.
Termites, they are most sellers nightmare, imagine finally getting an offer on your home that you are happy with. And then to have a termite inspection and termite activity is found, no matter how...