How to proof for birds?
Birds nesting in your roof is becoming more and more common, especially in domestic houses. Most people will not even realise they have birds nesting in their roof until they have babies and then...
There are many different species of termites. The most common species in Victoria is Coptotermes. This species is responsible for more than 80% of the termite damage caused to buildings. Coptotermes build nests in trees, favouring eucalypts, stumps, under concrete flooring, in wall cavities, or enclosed verandas. These termites usually travel at least 50m from the colony in search of food via a series of underground tunnels. Termite Damage Termite nests and tunnels are kept moist as the worker termites cannot stand low humidity for very long. Therefore, an ideal nest site has access to water as well as wood and soil.
Termites tend to damage areas of the home that have exposure to water such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundries. This is not always the case sometimes the first signs of damage are limited to architraves and door frames. Regardless of which areas of your home are damaged repair costs do tend to add up, even if you do the repairs yourself as an owner/builder. We have heard of circumstances where clients have had a $15,000 bill to replace their bathroom after termite damage.
Gippsland Pest Management advises that a full termite management program involves yearly inspections and reapplication of the termiticide chemicals every 7 years. However, there are some steps homeowners can take to reduce the risk of termites entering their home.
These include:
Gippsland Pest Management offers a free quote to come out and assess your property for a termite treatment. Generally, treatments range between $1,500 – $5,000 in extreme circumstances. As all houses are different the pricing can vary greatly.
Our team of termite inspectors have been in the industry for over 20 years. They also actively treat homes with termites on a regular basis in the Gippsland region. This means they are hands on in the field and are regularly seeing the amount of destruction termites are causing in our area and how they are entering buildings. This valuable experience also means if your property of interest does have termites, we can provide accurate quotes for the cost to treat the termites and take you through what’s involved in the process.