Australian Natives vs. Germans: The Battle of the Cockroaches 🪳

When it comes to pests, knowing your enemy is the first step to winning the battle. In this blog post we will compare the two common cockroaches we face in Gippsland, the Australian Native cockroach and German cockroach. At Gippsland Pest Management we tackle both these pests but differently according to how they reproduce and where they harbour. By understanding the differences between these two pests, it will help us tailor our pest control strategies to more effectively treat your home or business.

🔍 Appearance

Australian Native Cockroaches:
Size: Ranging from 25 mm to 35 mm in length, they are around the size of a 50c coin.
Colour: Their muddy brown bodies are highlighted by a distinctive yellow line around the head, along with light yellowish stripes on their wings.
Flying Ability: Unlike many other species of cockroaches that have lost this capability over time, they possess functional wings that allow them to take flight when necessary. However, they primarily rely on their legs for running.

German Cockroaches:
Size: These invaders measure between 13 mm and 16 mm in length, close in size to a 10c or 20c coin.
Colour: Light tan to burnt orange in colour, they are distinguished by two darker stripes running along their body, right behind the head.
Flying Ability: They are equipped with wings but are not strong fliers. Their primary mode of movement is crawling.

🏡 Habitat

Australian Native Cockroaches:
Origin: Originally from Southern Asia, they have arrived in Australia via ships and now considered the native cockroach species.
Preferred Environment: They thrive in natural settings like forests and bushland, making them commonly found outdoors, inhabiting leaf litter piles or hide beneath rocks and logs.
Social Behaviour: They are typically solitary creatures and do not congregate in large groups but may be found alone or in small numbers in their natural habitats. When they do enter homes, it's often by chance rather than an indication of a large infestation.

German Cockroaches:
Origin: Interestingly, despite their name, German cockroaches originate from Tropical Africa. However, they’ve spread worldwide and are now one of the most common indoor pests.
Preferred Environment: They love to set up shop in warm, humid indoor spaces-especially in kitchens and bathrooms- where they can easily access food and water.
Social Behaviour: German cockroaches are highly social and prefer to live in large groups. Their tendency to hide in cracks, crevices, and behind appliances allows them to form large colonies quickly.

🍃 Diet

Australian Native Cockroaches are forages with an appetite for various organic matter, including that of which is decomposing and fungi; and dead animals or faeces. They can survive on minimal food resources, and their adaptability allows them to thrive in various environments by efficiently utilising available food.

German Cockroaches are omnivorous and will consume virtually anything available in their environment, including food crumbs, grease, paper, and even other cockroaches. Their diet is highly diverse, making them a serious problem in kitchens and food storage areas.

🔄 Life Cycle

Australian Native Cockroaches:
Reproduction Rate: A single female can produce up to 25 eggs at a time and typically breeds 20 to 30 times in her lifetime. She carries the egg cases until they are ready to hatch, protecting them from environmental hazards and predators.
Development Stages: After hatching, the nymphs undergo several moulting stages before reaching adulthood. The entire life cycle, from egg to adult, takes several months. As adults, their natural life expectancy ranges from 4 to 8 months.

German Cockroaches:
Reproduction Rate: A female cockroach has a lifespan of up to six months. During this time, she can carry an egg capsule containing 30 to 40 eggs up to six times, producing up to 240 eggs in her lifetime. She carries the egg capsule for about 30 days before placing it in a hidden, secure location.
Development Stages: The eggs hatch into nymphs within 1 to 2 months, undergoing six moulting stages and maturing into adults in approximately 6 to 12 weeks. In some cases nymphs reach reproductive maturity as early as 50 days after hatching, which allows for rapid growth of the infestation. The entire life cycle from egg to adult can be as short as 2 to 3 months.

⚠️ Health Concerns

Australian Native Cockroaches can spread disease-causing pathogens through their droppings or shed skin particles, leading to allergens that may trigger asthma, skin irritation, and sneezing fits. Their presence poses health risks, especially for those with sensitivities.

German Cockroaches pose significant health risks by contaminating food and surfaces with bacteria and pathogens. Their presence in homes and businesses is a major concern due to their potential to spread diseases and contribute to hygiene issues.

🛠️ Treatment Solutions

Australian Native Cockroach Treatment is part our spider treatment package and includes our technicians using a variety of insecticides to target them in locations, such as:
Roof Void and Subfloor: Ensures that any hidden cockroaches are eradicated from these often-overlooked areas.
External Walls, Windows, and Door Frames: We treat around all external structures to create a barrier against entry.
Outside Entertainment Areas: As the connection between indoor and outdoor living, we focus on ensuring that no cockroaches are nesting in these spaces.
Fences and Gardens: Gardens are prime locations for cockroach harbourage, so we target these areas to prevent infestations.
Sheds and Garages (Internally & Externally): These areas are treated both inside and out to ensure complete protection.
Other Areas: Any additional areas deemed necessary and safe by our technicians will also be treated to ensure comprehensive coverage.

German Cockroach Treatment focuses on applying insecticide in strategic locations, such as:
Kitchens and Bathrooms: We target the warm, humid environments where German cockroaches thrive.
Appliances and Furniture: We treat under and around appliances and furniture to eliminate any potential hiding spots.
Cracks and Crevices: Our technicians carefully treat all the nooks and crannies where they may be hiding or breeding.
Additional Hotspots: Any other areas deemed essential and suitable will also be treated by the technician.

Because of these differences in treatment processes, there is a different price and aftercare offered. You can explore the full details and book the appropriate treatment, below:

While we’ve covered the Native Australian Cockroach and German Cockroach, it's important to note that these are just two of the 4,000 cockroach species found worldwide. With approximately 450 of these species present in Australia, if you are interested in exploring the diversity of cockroach species and learning more about their characteristics, the [Australian Museum offers a valuable resource] (

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Don’t let pests take over your space—contact us today to book your pest control service and reclaim your home or business! 🏠🏢