Trapdoor Spiders

  Thursday 19th September, 2019
  Author: Shannon Grohs
  Categories: Pest Control

Pest Control in Pakenham can often involve Trapdoor Spiders. Our company regularly gets reports of these Spiders around Pakenham, Officer and Bunyip. It is not uncommon for population levels to get out of control. At one property in officer over 1000 burrows were observed. The home owner had been alerted to this high population level after her dog had been bitten.

See the full article here

About Trapdoor Spiders

Trapdoor Spiders are ground dwelling arachnids who are regularly encountered by gardeners when moving soil or rocks. Common prey items for these spiders include crickets, moths, beetles and grasshoppers, that are routinely taken near the entrance of their burrow. Possessing large fangs trapdoor spiders can inflict a deep and painful wound on their prey. Their venom is not dangerous to humans but small dogs or cats can be affected.

Trapdoor Spiders range in length from 25-35mm with Females being larger than males. The lifespan of a Trapdoor spider is from 5-20 years as they take several years to reach maturity.

During mating season mature males wander during humid weather in search of a mate. Once a female is found mating takes place in the females burrow. The male has to work hard to escape being eaten by the female, but eventually after several courtships they die.

“Trapdoor Spiders are generally timid, they are best left alone”

What to Do?

If you notice these spiders around your home we encourage you to leave them alone as they are a timid spider unless threatened. However, there are a few things you can do around your home to minimise their numbers.

  • Maintain – Keep Lawn areas low
  • Prevent – Keep Gardens away from the home this reduces the risk of them accidentally wandering into your home.
  • Reduce Food – Keep other pest populations low around your home as this reduces food sources.

If you are concerned for the safety of your pets then we suggest calling a pest control company in to provide treatment. Gippsland Pest Management can offer this service - click the link below for pricing and more information on Spiders Click Here